Current consumer trends in France

France is the world’s second largest wine consuming country, after the United States and ahead of Italy, drinking more than 3.5 billion bottles in 2019. In the past fifty years, however, French wine consumption has structurally declined by 50%, due to the fact that wine has become a cultural product consumed on a more occasional basis. Despite this, it is still France’s favourite beverage alcohol. The tenth Sowine*/Dynata 2021 barometer offers some insight into current consumer trends, with some interesting takeaways.


  • The French and wine
  • The French and organic wine
  • The French and digital technologies
  • The French and the no-low trend

The French and wine

The latest Sowine/Dynata 2021 barometer shows that the French are increasingly interested in the world of wine – two out of three say they are interested, and one in two claim to be wine connoisseurs. Also, the share of non-consumers is decreasing slightly (11%, down 5 points), whilst the number of regular drinkers, who consume wine once or several times a week, has reached 50%, compared to 36% in 2019. For the wine industry, this is good news considering figures published by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), which show that French wine consumption has slipped from 100 litres per capita (aged 15+) a year in 1975 to 49.5 litres in 2019 (OIV, 2020).

The French and organic wine

Organic wine has become part of French drinking patterns and is constantly recruiting a wider audience. This significant trend is even more tangible among the under 25s, nearly 71% of whom check whether a bottle of wine is organic at point of sale; this percentage rises to 85% for connoisseurs. Conversely, the proportion of French people who never buy organic wine is down by 21%. According to Sowine, “this proportion is down by 13 points compared to 2019”.

The French and digital technologies

In 2020, digital technologies became the focal point for digital-enabled citizens in lockdown. In the wine industry, the barometer shows that online shopping boomed, with the share of buyers increasing from 31% in 2019 to 46% in 2020. Also, 69% of online shoppers spend more than average on their online purchases, in excess of €10 per bottle. 30% of those who bought wine online did so mainly to discover new labels, 23% to buy wine for everyday drinking and 17% to support producers. Surprisingly, 29% of the French who usually buy wine online did not do so during lockdown.

Locked down maybe, but also informed, is trend that emerges among respondents. Many consumers use digital sources of information to make their purchasing decisions. Websites (38%) and social media (37%) are prioritised as those sources, with 28% of people questioned following wine and spirits influencers. Over one in two French followers attach particular importance to the advice that influencers can give them. Similarly, half of regular wine buyers (who buy wine once or several times a week) say they have already bought a wine that was recommended to them on social media.

The French and the no-low trend

One area of development the wine industry has been closely scrutinising is the no-low trend favouring non-alcoholic or low-alcohol wines. According to the Barometer, 27% of French people say they drink them, with the trend particularly relevant to 18-25 year olds – 40% of this age group say they drink them, compared to 14% of 50-65 year olds. Among the main motivations cited by consumers are a desire to look after their health (41%), and reduce their alcohol consumption (41%), the flavour (35%) and the low calorie content (30%).

*For the past 10 years, Sowine has been scrutinising French consumption trends in the world of wine. The latest survey conducted by Dynata for the marketing and communications consultancy was carried out in December 2020 among 1,005 people representative of the French population aged between 18 and 65.                                                  

Anne Schoendoerffer

Sources :, OIV,


A top-end natural cork stopper partnering with quality wines

Available in 38 – 44 – 45 and 49mm

24.0 mm +/- 0.5 mm

The BOURRASSÉ natural cork stopper is tailor-made for each user. Its appearance and customisation, starting with its finish, are the first messages sent out about the wine, just before it is tasted.

Download Fact Sheet:

    Naturel optimisé

    A natural cork stopper solution enhanced by filling the pores and respectful of the aroma and flavour attributes of wine

    available in 38 – 44 – 45 and 49 mm

    24.0 +/- 0,5 mm

    The exclusive VXX®
    de-aromatisation process based on low-pressure steam applied to the entire Bourrassé collection of natural stoppers, ensures organoleptic neutrality and consistency.

    Download the fact sheet:

      Cristal® X

      Micro cork closure made with individual moulds from cork pulp de-aromatised using supercritical co2, guaranteeing every closure is taste-free.

      48 +/- 0.5 mm

      23.5 +/- 0.5 mm

      Maximum recommended shelf life after corking, depending on the size:
      10 years

      Latest generation supercritical CO2 adds the finishing touch to control of the aromatic profile, ensuring absolute neutrality.

      Download the fact sheet:

        Cristal® V

        Micro cork closure made with individual moulds from cork pulp de-aromatised using supercritical co2, guaranteeing every closure is taste-free.

        44 +/- 0.5 mm

        23.5 +/- 0.5 mm

        Maximum recommended shelf life after corking, depending on the size:
        5 years (up to 7 years depending on the wines)

        Latest generation supercritical CO2 adds the finishing touch to control of the aromatic profile, ensuring absolute neutrality.

        Download the fact sheet:

          Cristal® III

          Micro cork closure made with individual moulds from cork pulp de-aromatised using supercritical co2, guaranteeing every closure is taste-free.

          44 +/- 0.5 mm

          23.5 +/- 0.5 mm

          Maximum recommended shelf life after corking, depending on the size:
          3 years

          Latest generation supercritical CO2 adds the finishing touch to control of the aromatic profile, ensuring absolute neutrality.

          Download the fact sheet:


            Individually moulded
            micro cork stopper
            made from de-aromatised cork
            using the vortex® process

            Available in 38 mm and 44 mm

             23.5 mm +/- 0.5 mm

            Maximum recommended shelf life after corking: 3 years 

            Delta® is a cork-based technical stopper solution boasting the suppleness and flexible recovery of natural cork.

            Download the fact sheet:

              Monopole OSMOZ®

              Cork stopper for age-worthy wines promoting measured, balanced and regular ageing that respects the character of each wine

              48.0 +/- 0.5 mm

              23.7 +/- 0.5 mm

              Recommended storage time after corking up to 15 years

              The exclusive de-aromatisation processes:
              – VORTEX® for the cork
              pulp body,
              – VXX® for the solid cork discs,
              completes control of the aromatic profile of MONOPOLE Osmoz®.

              Download the fact sheet:


                sparkling wine stopper technology used to protect still wines

                44.0 +/- 0.5 mm

                23.7 +/- 0.5 mm

                Recommended storage time after corking up to 12 years*

                The exclusive de-aromatisation processes:
                – VORTEX® for the cork
                pulp body,

                – VXX® for the solid cork discs,
                completes control of the aromatic profile of Osmoz®.

                Download the fact sheet:

                  Monopole FUSION®

                  An extension of fusion expertise, monopole fusion was specifically developed for age-worthy wines

                  48.0 +/- 0.5 mm

                  23.7 +/- 0.5 mm

                  Recommended storage time after corking up to 12 years

                  The exclusive de-aromatisation processes:
                  – VORTEX® for the cork
                  pulp body,
                  – VXX® for the solid cork discs,
                  completes control of the aromatic profile of MONOPOLE Fusion®.

                  Download the fact sheet: